2020 graduates of NDEO.
The National Dance Education Organization for the Dance Program Student Chapter at LMU is affiliated with the National Dance Education Organization and its local state affiliate, the California Dance Education Association.
The NDEO Student Chapter provides students interested in dance and dance arts education the chance to:
- Organize performance opportunities for students.
- Implement mentorship programs with incoming freshman or local high school aged dance students.
- Make connections with community organizations to offer dance workshops or classes.
- Administer the National Honor Society for Dance Arts program.
- Raise money to benefit local dance initiatives and charity programs.
- Sponsor guest teaching artists and other enrichment activities.
- Host professional and career development networking events with the NDEO state affiliate (CDEA) and other professional local organizations.
- Prepare and submit a proposal to present at the annual NDEO National Conference.
- Provide social opportunities for intellectual and creative exchange of ideas.
- Support recognition of cognitive/intellectual, affective, and psychomotor study of dance.
- Coordinate Movement Exchange activities to support service teaching in local, national, and international locations.
- Organize advocacy through EMBRACE efforts for quality, whole-person, dance education at any level of university structure, the college, university, and city/state level.
The organization also affords students the unique opportunity to enter into a continuous dialogue about the current state of dance education, performance and choreography, and other pressing issues pertinent to the field of dance. The Student Chapter will strengthen the growing web among students enrolled in all aspects of our Dance Program providing a forum for intellectual and creative exchange.