Three students participating in a communication studies class.

Upon completing the Communication Studies degree, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate subject matter knowledge of the communication studies discipline, including:
    • The history of the discipline;
    • The nature of theory and its role in the study and practice of human communication; and
    • The foundational theoretical concepts from multiple sub-disciplines within the major.
  • Express ideas and relay information using conventions and forms appropriate to the intended audience.

  • Test or generate new knowledge using research methods appropriate to the communication studies discipline.

  • Articulate the relationship among disciplinary subject matter, research methodologies and one or more non-academic contexts.

  • Demonstrate the value of multiple theoretical, pedagogical, and socio-cultural perspectives.

  • Collaborate effectively and ethically in group problem-solving and decision-making situations.

  • Demonstrate and value respectful engagement with individual and group differences in interactions with all others.

  • Apply ethical standards to communication practices across multiple contexts.

  • Apply communication principles in service of justice for self, others, and society.

  • Innovate, justify, and enact solutions based on inquiry, discernment, evidence, and analysis.

  • Demonstrate and value the pursuit of ethical action through critical reason and reflection.

  • Demonstrate and value a self-reflexive approach to the study and practice of communication.