Queerteñx Opening Reception
Celebrate the opening of Queerteñx with artists Salvador de la Torre and José Villalobos and guest curator Erika Hirugami. Free and open.
Sat, Jan. 20
1–3 p.m.
Laband Gallery
1–3 p.m.
Laband Gallery

Queerteñx Conversation
Join guest curator Erika Hirugami in conversation with Salvador de la Torre and José Villalobos as they tour the exhibition. Free and open..
Tue, Jan. 23
5:30 -6:30 p.m.
Laband Gallery
5:30 -6:30 p.m.
Laband Gallery

Artmaking Workshop
Salvador de la Torre will lead an artmaking workshop for LMU students in the Ceramics Studio. Sign up through LEO. Snacks will be provided. No previous artmaking experience is necessary.
Wed. Mar. 6
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Ceramics Studio
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Ceramics Studio

Performance / Political Art Action
Bring your Tejana and step into the Palenque (cockpit). Artists in the ring at 6:30 p.m.
Free and open.
Sat, Mar. 2
6–9 p.m.
Laband Gallery
6–9 p.m.
Laband Gallery
Young Contemporaries Opening Reception
Please join us to celebrate the artists selected for our 40th Annual Juried Student Exhibition. Artwork: Nayana Thompson, “Arrival”.
Thurs, Apr. 18
5 - 7 p.m.
Laband Gallery
5 - 7 p.m.
Laband Gallery

Walkthrough with the Artists
Join the artists from Young Contemporaries 2024 as they lead a discussion of their exhibition. Artwork: Eseroghenerukevwe Ovbagbedia, “Masking”
Thurs, Apr. 25
5 - 6 p.m.
Laband Gallery
5 - 6 p.m.
Laband Gallery

Survival Strategies Artists' Reception
Join us for the opening of our exhibition celebrating the range of work made by our esteemed Studio Arts Faculty. Free and open.
Thu, Sep. 26
4–7 p.m.
Laband Gallery
4–7 p.m.
Laband Gallery

Artmaking Workshop
LMU Art Faculty Mich Miller will lead a Printmaking Workshop for LMU students right outside the Laband. Sign up through LEO (coming soon). Snacks will be provided. No previous artmaking experience is necessary.
Thu, Nov. 7
4-5:30 p.m.
Dunning Courtyard
4-5:30 p.m.
Dunning Courtyard

Touch Workshop
Selwa Sweidan and Nina Sarnelle will lead a workshop exploring touch as a time-based medium and a system of co-creating knowledge. Participants will be led through somatic exercises, and have the option to engage in solo or small-group touch experiments. No previous experience required. Event is free. Space is limited. Sign-up is mandatory.
Sat, Nov. 9
11:30-1:00 p.m.
Laband Gallery
11:30-1:00 p.m.
Laband Gallery