These Shining Lives

Four women meeting with a doctor in These Shining Lives.

Based on the true stories of the Radium Girls, These Shining Lives chronicles the strength and determination of women considered expendable.

Catherine and her friends are the lucky ones, chosen to work the lucrative and glamorous job of Dial Painters at the prestigious Radium Dial Company in post-World War I Chicago. But when they begin to develop mysterious symptoms, who will help them? What’s more, who will believe them?

Theirs is a story of survival, love, and friendship in the most transcendent sense, as they refuse to allow the company that stole their health to kill their spirits - or endanger the lives of those who come after them.

Written by Melanie Marnich
Directed by Lauren Johansen Sheppard (MFA Thesis Project)
Presented on Dec. 9-11, Foley 110