The Pliant Girls (Staged Reading)

Four women conferring with each other.

Fifty blood-stained brides seek refuge after murdering their husbands on their wedding night, but no one's eager to take them in. As Kay, Leta, Arianna, Courtney, and Philomena beg for their lives, their stories form a complex tapestry of contemporary sisterhood... and provide insight into the deaths of the men who stood in their way. In turns heartbreaking and hilarious, this feminist retelling of Aeschylus's The Suppliants is a haunting exploration of love, sexual politics, and the power of redemption.

Written by Meghan Brown
Directed by Anna Winget
Performed on Dec. 8–9, Barnelle Theatre


Juliana DeSilva as Courtney
Chrissy Van Geel as Philomena
Eva Afshary as Arianna
Chloe Laursen as Leta
Peta Joy Jolly as Kay
Sara Bunge as Father/Dean
Quinn Devries as Marcus
Lindsay Nelsen as Kem
Nya Jonele as Alexander
Breyer/Kaitlyn Kopensky as Claude
Paige Blosser as Voice
Ally Dubrovsky as Voice
Louise Lipsey as Voice
Sumi Chow as Voice
Elizabeth Barrett as Voice

Production Team

Director: Anna Winget
Assistant Director: Caroline Baxter Stage Manager: Bonnie-Lynn Montaño Assistant Stage Managers: Elisa Lugo Dramaturg: Elisabeth Gothelf Lighting Designer: Martha Carter Costume Shop Supervisor: Tammie Merheb-Chavez Props Master: Cate Chapman Technical Director: Jason Sheppard PM/Master Electrician: Robert Hillig
Sound Board Operator: Dania Jones Light Board Operator: Noura Smith Running Crew: Maile Masako Brady, Morgan Allen, Lauren Burton
Work-Study Students (Costume): Gillian Mozdy, Justine Rocha, Ethan Mullen, Katie Lowe, Noura Smith, Nicole Li