Soldiers encircling their target during a dramatic moment.

Troilus & Cressida is Shakespeare’s story of love and relationships during the Trojan War. Agamemnon has brought the Greeks to recapture Helen of Troy, bringing with him Menelaus, Ulysses, Ajax, and other Greek princes to battle with the princes of Troy: Hector, Aeneus, and young Troilus, who is in love with Cressida. But when Cressida is traded to the Greeks as part of an exchange, he sneaks into the Greek camp to learn that all is horrible in love and war. A bitter play about war and relationships and how we cope with learning that reality does not match our ideals, presented in a gender-reversed production.

Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by Kevin Wetmore
Presented on July 18–20, 8pm, Drollinger Family Stage


The Trojans

Maria Lingbanan* as Priam
Micah Schneider as Cassandra
Rachael DeBoer as Hector
Emily Nobel as Troilus
Carly Johnson as Paris
Katie McFarland as Deiphobus
Kylie Olson as Helenus
Anton Dionoso as Andromache
Bella Nicole Hartman as Aeneas
Abigail Strassman as Antenor
Mikayla Benson as Calchas
Carlo Dimayuga as Cressida
Katie McFarland as Alexander
Peta Jolly as Pandarus
Briana Berlen as Servant
Cordelia Wetmore as Troilus’ Boy

The Greeks

Jennifer Robbins* as Agamemnon
Claire Voilleque as Achilles
Lex Lowery as Ajax
Amelia Strange as Diomedes
Claire Rogan as Nestor
Charlotte Williams Roberts as Ulysses
Rachel Sullivan as Menelaus
Pietro Saibene as Helen
Lacy Hornick as Thersites
Stacey Cabaj* as Patroclus

*Appears by permission of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of professional actors and stage managers in the United States.

Production Team

Director: Kevin Wetmore
Set Designers: Audrey Szot and Jason Sheppard
Costume Designer: Kaylynn Sutton
Lighting Designer: Wesley Chew
Sound Designer: Maya Samarasena
Prop Designer: Cate Chapman
Stage Manager: Jason Sheppard*
Production Stage Manager: Paige Blosser
Assistant Stage Manager: Izzy Kellet
Assistant Directors: Jennifer Gerould and Maria Lingbanan
Assistant Lighting Designer: Kelly Rodriguez
Intimacy Coordinator: Maria Lingbanan
Technical Consultant: Rob Hillig
Fight Choreography: Kevin Wetmore
Fight Captain: Claire Voilleque
AEA Deputy: Maria Lingbanan

Special Thanks to:

Stacey Cabaj, Dean Bryant Keith Alexander, Leon Wiebers, Katie McFarland, Tammie Merheb-Chavez, Kate Shirley, Cecilia Adams, Brandon Hinke, & Actors Equity Association, Kellie McDonald, Katharine Free, The Surplus Store, and K3.

And our many supporters and donors who help keep Shakespeare on the Bluff free to the public, offering family entertainment to our neighbors in Westchester, Inglewood, Marina del Rey, Playa Vista, the entire Westside and beyond! Thank you.