Priya Dufton ‘22
Major: Theatre Arts
Minor: Business Administration
How did you decide to become a Theatre Arts major?
I’ve always loved theatre and acting but never thought of them as something I thought I could pursue. I always thought I needed to go down a more conventional academic path, but as college applications were approaching, I had this gut feeling I had to at least try applying to a few theatre programs. I ultimately decided I would only apply to three theatre programs I really wanted to go to and if I got into one, it was a sign I should pursue theatre. When I got into LMU I instantly knew this was where I wanted to spend my next four years.
Tell us a little about your time at LMU.
I have a theatre arts major and a business administration minor. As well, I have been very involved in the LMU tour guide program going on to become one of the coordinators for the program. In terms of clubs, I’ve really enjoyed my time in Agape Service Organization, which is a group aimed at doing service around mental health and mental illness. I also have had the chance to work behind the scenes on many student shows at LMU and am currently on the executive board for Theater in Color, a club aimed at uplifting students of color on campus. LMU has really given me the opportunity to pursue my passions and this year I was able to use my Senior Thesis project to create a podcast that I cohost called Brown Skin, White Lies, which explores the misrepresentation of South Asians in film, television and theatre. I was also given the opportunity to be a part of LMU’s Senior Showcase, which has allowed me to further deepen my acting abilities and prepare me for post-grad.
What are your post-graduation plans and how did you come to that decision?
Post-graduation I am planning to pursue casting as well as acting. Through my business administration minor, I had to chance to take some classes on the business side of the entertainment industry and it really piqued my interest. Senior Showcase has also reignited my love for acting and I plan to pursue that on the side as well.
Tell us a little about your career goals and aspirations.
Through the creation of my podcast and my own life experiences, I have become really passionate about improving authentic representation in film and television. By pursuing casting, I hope to one day reach a position where I can make meaningful change and see the kind of representation I, along with many other minority groups, having been wishing to see for a long time.
What will you miss most about LMU?
I am going to miss the people and support at LMU the most. Everyone I have met here has been so kind and have made such a meaningful impact to my time at LMU. The professors here are absolutely amazing and truly go above and beyond for their students. I’ll be very sad to be leaving that soon.
What advice do you have for underclassmen?
Use your time here to pursue as many interests as you possibly can. You’ll never have the chance to have access to these many resources and you might as well take advantage of it. You may have entered college with a very specific idea of what you want to do in the future but remember it’s okay if that plan changes and these four years are the perfect time to figure out what you really want to do.